1. Solution exception:Number of colors (256) does not match the number of mesh faces (160) nor the number of vertices (180)

Hi guys,

It 's so appreciated to release new version and specially the most potential radiance features such as Imageless Annual Glare Recipe.
I tried its sample with HB radial sensor grid instead of HB radial grid from rooms since my workplane is geometry but it has problem with two brep.

I made graft the geometry input but its GA output does’nt seprate two branch.
the LB special heatmap shows this warning.
annual_glare2.gh (106.7 KB)

You are connecting two models to the Annual Glare component. I recommend running one model at a time.

Hi @chris ,

I’m glade to see your answer. if you open “gh” file I would use just one model.
I put 2 surfaces into honeybee-generate test points and HB radial sensor grid instead of using HB radial from rooms.

I used geometry strategy instead of making rooms for model.

You are mixing Legacy with LBT components, like so:

Stick with LBT and it will be fine.

Edit: It was not enough. There were a couple of places where you grafted an input and another where you didn’t flattened the input.
Attached a working file.
annual_glare2_AY.gh (116.1 KB)


Hi @AbrahamYezioro ,


thanks a lot , It’s well done!