May I know how can I fix this problem?
Hi,i have the same problem before, maybe you should try to “explode” the mesh face which you have created “LB Generate Point Grid” on.
I have the same problem. I am introducing myself to Ladybug and I am trying to calculate outdoor thermal comfort with a very simple model and I get the same error.
Anybody can help me?
I attach screnshoot
Error message: 1. Solution exception:Number of colors (168) does not match the number of mesh faces (221) nor the number of vertices (238).
168 correspond to the amount of data in the anaylisis period.
This one has been discussed various times.
You probably want to flatten the utci output or the values input.
Thanks you very much!!! I get it
i have another question , do this simulation takes alot of time to switch from boolean toggle false to true ??