A bug in Ladybug tools 1.8 - 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'ToBrep'

“LB Generate Point Grid” has some problems when i set a terrain mesh as the geometry,but it will be ok on Ladybug 1.7


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GH wind.gh (11.4 KB)
RH wind.3dm (447.3 KB)

It happens to me too

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Thanks, @Shown and @Marcello .

You are right that this is a bug but it’s not about LBT 1.7 vs. 1.8. Rather, it results from recent changes that were made to Rhino SDK. So it just affects people updating to the latest service release of Rhino. I’ll fix it shortly.

In the meantime, the message is pretty clear. The component prefers that you to plug in a Brep for _geometry. You can try using the Rhino MeshToNURB command to convert a Mesh to a Brep.

The bug fix is here:

It should be available via the LB Versioner component by the end of today.