About old version of Ladybug and Honeybee

I have a new project to use the old simulation programme that is of Ladybug and Honeybee verion 0.67 and 0.64 respectively. Since I noticed that there are some components that are not in use any more or names changed, e.g. “Honeybee_separate by normal”, “Honeybee_List Zone Programmes”, can I still run the programme on Rhino 8? I noticed it may be possible according to the topic (All components display as “Old”).

Also, may I ask if there is a directory for old and corresponding new components? Thank you.

Hi @Ivanitap ,

Sorry for the late response here. At this point, effectively all of Legacy workflows can be done with the new LBT plugin. In fact, if you update to the latest development version of the LBT plugin (or use the LBT 1.8 plugin that will be released later this week), there’s a new “LB Legacy Updater” component that will drop in a replacement LBT component for each Legacy component on your canvas:


You’ll find that there are suggested LBT replacements for the Legacy “Ladybug_Separate By normal” and the “Honeybee_List Zone Programs” components. And I can say confidently that not all of the Legacy components work in Rhino 8, though I realize that some people are still trying their luck with the few that do. If you ask me, you’re not just exposing yourself to a lot of incompatibility bugs by continuing to work in Legacy but you’re missing out on a lot of new capabilities that the LBT plugin has, which Legacy does not.


@chris, does the newly realeased version of LBT have artificial light with IES files?

The only legacy features that have not been ported are IES Luminaires, solar hot water, and THERM. So, no, Luminaires not not in the LBT 1.8 release planned for this week but they should be in LBT 1.9 in a few months.


Sounds great!!! I will try this out.