I would like to know how it would be possible to set the -g and -ac parameters in order to calculate a scene with accelerad_rtrace.
As you can see, the additionalIP_ doesn’t seem to take into account custom parameters but functions perfectly for -lw and -lr.
I have noticed this piece of code in honeybee_honeybee component:
But when I add “g” and “ac” to the self.additionalRadPars list, it still can’t set the values that I want, leaving it to blank and causing the simulation to crash.
I’m probably missing something… but I don’t know what.
You can use a hack like this. It’s originally designed to only set up certain radiance parameters not including g and ac. I haven’t tested this but it should work. Let me know if it doesn’t.
Unfortunately I do have a strange issue when using this sript: it can’t find the error.log file.
This is the report dialog of the RunDaylightAnalysis component:
Daylight factor The component is checking ad, as, ar and aa values. This is just to make sure that the results are accurate enough. Good to go! **Current working directory is set to: c:\ladybug\unnamed\DF** Runtime error (FileNotFoundException): Le fichier ‘c:\ladybug\unnamed\DF\error.log’ est introuvable. Traceback: line 327, in script
I never had this problem before… and I don’t see the link between your python component and this error.