Accelerating multiple "HB point-in-time grid-based" simulations

Dear scientific Ladybug community,

within my research on switchable membrane cushion constructions I need the so-called incidence operator of the facade for different angles of incidence. (You can find more about the RadiCal methodology in the dissertation by Daniel Rüdisser

Here’s my gh script: (90.5 KB)

Compared to a simulation with the “HB Annual Daylight”, no sky matrices based on real weather data at a specific location are required. In a broader sense, multiple “HB point-in-time grid-based” simulations are carried out. The sensor brightnesses are simulated for different incidence angle pairs, in my case 1000 randomly selected pairs over the hemisphere, with a defined direct normal radiation without diffuse horizontal radiation. Without diffuse horizontal radiation and with a slope facing up (slope=0), there is also no ground diffuse radiation active.

However, my current Grasshopper script requires between 3 and 24 hours, depending on the radiance accuracy to calculate the 1000 incidence angle pairs. I am of the opinion that a reduction to 5-10 minutes is possible by creating a quasi-“HB Annual Daylight” simulation with own “weather data” and by merging certain work steps.

Do you know how to solve that problem? We would also support the programming of a Grasshopper plugin financially. I would be very happy about your help or quotations.

Kind regards

Simon Weber, M.Sc.
Research Associate

Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart