Adaptive Comfort Chart resulting hours


I’m running an hourly annual simulation and I would like to get the % of overheating hours during occupied hours between 1 May to 30 September.

The total hours between May-September are 3672. However, the occupied hours during this period are 1989 - according to the occupancy schedule. Does the result of 39% of Hot refers to the total analysis period (3672 hrs) or to the occupied hours?

The list length of the ‘chartHourPoints’ output is 3672. Does this indicate that the results refer to the total analysis hours?

Many thanks,

@OlgaT ,
In your image, the 39% refers to the total between May-September and you can change the hour range to better suit the occupied time by using the fromHour and toHour inputs on your analysisPeriod input.

If you really need to get deep into it and you also have to account for things like weekends, you can also plug in your occupancy schedule values to the annualHourlyData and use a conditional statement to exclude any hours that are below a certain occupancy threshold.

@chris ,

Many thanks for this. Plugging in the occupancy schedule values to the annualHourlyData and using a conditional statement worked.

I’m trying to go deeper into this, since the analysis is for UK compliance purposes and I’m aiming to get as close as possible to CIBSE’s TM52 ‘The Limits of Thermal Comfort’ guidance Criterion 1 (highlighted segments in image below. I can also share the whole document if of interest).

As far as I understand, what I’m now getting from the Adaptive Comfort Chart is % of occupied hours when the ΔΤ (=Top-Tmax, resulting operative temperature minus maximum acceptable comfort temperature) equals 0. Basically, whatever falls above the comfort polygon - please correct me if I’m mistaken. However, the guidance mentions % of occupied hours when ΔΤ >= 1K. Is there a way to post-process the data?

Hi @OlgaT,

Could you please share the file or a print screen how to Plug in the occupancy schedule values to the annualHourlyData and using a conditional statement? I’m having the same issue.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @OlgaT,

I’m currently in the same position as mtonellis. Would it be possible to share a screenshot of how you accomplished the conditional statement workaround that @chris had suggested?

Many thanks!

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