Add Glazing

Hello everybody,

I encountered an annoying problem with glazing.

I want to use the component Add Glazing in order to define all the glazed surface by myself (and not based on ratio). I succeeded in defining :

  • HB surface (which is the surface on which the window is situated)

  • childsurfaces (the glazed surface)

But I don’t know what’s next. Could you help me solving this problem ?

If you have any better ideas to define the Glazing, don’t hesitate !

Thank you in advance for your answers !



Hi Oussennan,

Can you explain what are you exactly trying to do? You can just use createHBSrfs component and assign glass material to the surfaces.

Nevertheless if you added the glazing to the surface then you can use Run_Daylight Analysis and run the analysis for your geometry.

If you upload an example it will be much easier to help.



Hi again Réda,

I put an example file together that shows what I mentioned before. Image below shows how you can use addGlz component. It is mainly useful if you don’t want to solve the intersections yourself.

If you have parents surface (wall), and windows figured out then I suggest to use createHBSrfs:

The result will be the same in both cases.

Hope it helps,

Mostapha (79.6 KB)

Hi Mostapha,

It seems to be the right answer to my question. Thank you very much !

Sorry for the imprecision of my question.

Hope you the best,


Hi Mostapha!

As I told you before, I’m experimenting with Honeybee. Right now specifically I am trying to create HB Zones from a Rhino model where all walls have different glazing ratios. I was able to do this for only 1 wall with the above solution, but then when I try to combine all walls to create a zone, nothing happens. I can upload a screenshot to see if you know whats wrong!



Hey Katrina,

It is nice to see you here. As far as I can see in the images it is working! What do you mean by “nothing happens”? Did you try to set runRad to True? and do you have Radiance installed on your system?


Hey Mostapha,

Sorry to revive this old topic but I tried the same thing as Katrina and it is also failing to solve the adjacencies. (Solution exception:‘hb_EPZoneSurface’ object has no attribute ‘BC’)

Ultimately I would like to input:

  1. Multiple Breps - all of the rooms in the building.

  2. Multiple Surfaces - all of the windows in the building.

  3. Typical RAD materials for floors, ceilings, walls, etc for the building.

Am I missing something really obvious? (168 KB)

Hey John,

Back to the issue just update all your components and try again.

For what you want to do you don’t need to create it surface by surface. Just send it all together. Honeybee will check every surface for the right type and also will match every window and create it for you. Check the attached file. (124 KB)

Thanks Mostapha - this works quite well, but I can’t seem to get away from the default materials. The VLT keeps reverting to 60%:

void glass Exterior_Window

3 0.654 0.654 0.654 (29.7 KB)

Hey John, you can use RADDefaultMaterials component to globally change the default material based on type, or just connect the new material to addGlazing component. Is this what you are doing?

Adding the Radiance material directly to the addGlazing component (“RADMaterial_” input) did not work. Perhaps it is still the wrong version, but I don’t think so.

Hi all,

I’m looking to run a basic thermal performance simulation, with an intended end result of analyzing heat flow on the glazing. Eventually I want to do this on non-planar surfaces, however for now I’m just trying it on simple planar geometry as I’m new to this and just want to get the basics down. I’ve set my geometry up similar to the posts in this discussion with the only addition being the EPconstruction to the glass. However when I bring the surface together I get a null HBzone and I’m wondering why that is. Also do the same principles apply with this as they do to irregular geometries. Such as do I have to always use 3 or more walls plus a groundplane and ceiling to create a zone, or can I use 1 or 2 non planar ribbon walls that wrap plus the groundplane and ceiling to create a zone?

I will check in two hours or so and will let you know. That is strange.


I am sorry that you are having so many problems to get started with Honeybee. I would suggest you to post your definition instead of the screenshot so it will be easier to help you. I will reply to your discussions later this evening.



Apologies for the many questions and issues that I’m running into, your quick response and patience with my problems is much appreciated. Attached first is the gh and 3dm file associated with my initial screenshot (just simply trying to create a zone from surfaces). The next gh and 3dm file are of the more irregular geometries that I’m trying to make into zones to run thermal analysis on.

Thank you so much!

Aaron (127 KB)
zone.3dm (64.8 KB)
ExampleAnalysis_Honeybee2.3dm (370 KB)

gh irregular (260 KB)

Hi again Aaron,

No worries. As I said I totally understand that we don’t have enough resources and it can be really hard to get started. The good news is as soon as you understand the logic behind Honeybee it is pretty straight forward.

So I started with the hard one. There were minor mistakes/bad practices in the file that i fixed in Grasshopper file. There was also a modeling issue with the way you had the window modeled. In EnergyPlus windows (child surfaces) cannot touch the edge of the walls (parent surfaces). I trimmed the glazing surfaces and now it works fine.

I also have a recommendation for you to simplify your geometry. Honeybee is capable of exporting geometries like yours to EnergyPlus but simulation will take very long as EnergyPlus is not really designed for complex geometries. I will check your simple case soon.


Mostapha (285 KB)

Hi John, so there were two issues:

  1. You were using way too much number of components to create a surface with window.

  2. There was actually a bug in Honeybee_Honeybee and it was missing to collect alternate materials for surfaces with single glazing!

Thanks and check the attached file for fixed version. (135 KB)

Thanks Mostapha,

Everything works now and I ran a simulation through the energyplus component. My question now is: energyplus had to break up the curved geometry in order to run it through the simulation, and the output returned with 141 surfaces because that, but how do I identify where each of those surfaces is located in the model (ie: where exactly is GLZSRF_64_SRF_DUP_GLZP_64 located within the 3d geometry?). I initially thought that the Honeybee_Label Zone surfaces would do this but it doesn’t seem to work for the (formerly) curved geometry, is that true?



Hi Aaron,

EnergyPlus cannot handle nonplanar surfaces and so many other stuff, which Honeybee has to take care of and make the geometry understandable for EP.

You can find where the surface is by importing back the .idf file into Grasshopper (using import idf) or by opening the .idf file in other tools such as OpenStudio. We are working on a component that will let you bring the results in for nonplanar surfaces but it is not ready yet (

That is why I made the recommendation to simplify your input geometry then you can easily trace the results plus it won’t really make a huge difference in the results of energy model and it will run much faster.
