April 9, 2024, 2:14pm
Hi all,
Hope you are doing great. I would like to ask how I can add additional parameters in the Vegetation Material node in HB for green roofs. In the HB Legacy, there is a notepad version of parameters which contain additional parameters. However, in the newer version of HB, the parameters are limited as shown.
Could you please help me with it?
Thank you so much!
Older version (above), newer version (below)
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April 15, 2024, 12:23pm
@chris could you please help me with it?
Thank you so much!
May 31, 2024, 7:40pm
Hi @Usman ,
All of the properties of the EnergyPlus object are exposed here on the Ladybug Tools SDK object for EnergyMaterialVegetation . Just edit the code inside the component somewhere around these lines:
# create the material
mat = EnergyMaterialVegetation(
name, _thickness_, _conductivity_, _density_, _spec_heat_, 'MediumRough',
_soil_emiss_, soil_abs, None, _plant_height_, _leaf_area_ind_,
_leaf_reflect_, _leaf_emiss_, _stomat_resist_
if _name_ is not None:
mat.display_name = _name_
You can set properties after creating the material object like the following:
# create the material
mat = EnergyMaterialVegetation(
name, _thickness_, _conductivity_, _density_, _spec_heat_, 'MediumRough',
_soil_emiss_, soil_abs, None, _plant_height_, _leaf_area_ind_,
_leaf_reflect_, _leaf_emiss_, _stomat_resist_
if _name_ is not None:
mat.display_name = _name_
mat.sat_vol_moist_cont = 0.3
residual_vol_moist_cont = 0.01
init_vol_moist_cont = 0.1
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June 3, 2024, 9:54am
Thank you Chris for the help. It has solved my problem
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