Hi guys,
I would like to simulate the effect of reflections of beam solar irradiance and concentration due to concave aspect of a facad (as for the 20 Fenchurch Street building in London).
I read this post on the same subject: http://www.radiance-online.org/pipermail/radiance-general/2008-Marc…
But I don’t understand exactly how to assign the materials to the surface.
When I use the Honeybee_CreateHBSrfs component it gives me an error:
- Solution exception:Faild to import void glass glass_alt_mat
3 0.96 0.96 0.96
void brightfunc glass_angular_effect
2 A1+(1-A1)(exp(-5.85Rdot)-0.00287989916) .
1 0.08
glass_angular_effect mirror glass_mat
1 glass_alt_mat
3 1 1 1
Have you ever solved the same issue? If possible, how would you simulate this effect with Honeybee?
Any help would be appreciated