Adjacency issues with floor plan modelled parametrically using roomtosolid

Hi all,

I am modelling a floor plan parametrically in order to investigate it with fly but having problems solving adjacency. Three parametric surfaces are extruded and fed in a room from solid component then adjacency is solved. When the floor plan is square it works but when the floor plan is shaped as as H or U there are still windows present on the interior walls. Is the solve adjacency component unable to resolve surfaces that are partly internal and partly external walls? is there a way around this or do i need to model additional surfaces so that the vertical surfaces are cleanly separated in to fully internal or fully external?

Hi, you have to use the Intersect Solid component before Solve Adj., this way geometries are cut and then resolved. I hope I have been of some help.
See you soon

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Hi Massimiliano, very helpful! thank you