Adjacent faces different attributes

Hello everyone !
I am trying to create a Honeybee Energy model of three adjacent rooms.

Heres the workflow: import the breps > use Intersect Solids > create each room > solve the adjacency > create the model.

My question is the following: how can I assign different construction and boundary conditions two adjacent rooms ? Each adjacent face is different, and some rooms have two adjacent faces with different attributes.

(I’m sorry, as a new user I can’t upload an image or a file).

If you assign the constructions to the Honeybee Faces before you solve adjacency, they will be preserved as you solve adjacency. So just assign the constructions first by building the Rooms Face-by-Face or using the HB Apply Opaque Construction to assign constructions to individual faces. Alternatively, you can use ep_int_constr input on the HB Solve Adjacency component to change the construction of the adjacency as it is being solved.

Lastly, I’ll be sounding like a bit of a salesperson here but an alternative to all of this is to just use the Pollination Rhino plugin, which makes it really easy to just select the Faces that you want to change the constructions of and change them. Granted, there’s always a way to do it with the LBT Grasshopper components but it will get tedious at a certain point if you try to do lots of little Face-by-Face edits. This is one of the reasons why we made the Pollination Rhino plugin and the convenience of it really makes a difference when you’re dealing with these tedious issues on a regular basis.

Thanks a lot for your help @chris !
Actually, given the geometry of the rooms, I guess that the HB Solve Adjacency component was not suited, as some rooms have more than one adjacent face, with different attributes.

The face by face solution worked perfectly.

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