Air Flow Network breaking surfaces and simulation in grasshopper


I’m still learning how to use the LBTools and now I’m trying a complete building in Honeybee.

I’ve found an issue with the AFN command in grasshopper.
When I don’t use the AFN to simulate, my geometry works perfectly.

When applied the AFN, it brings some issues with my ATIC room’s floor as you can see in the message from grasshopper. They are the pink surfaces in the image bellow.

** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_75_75B188AC…FACE0
** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_75_75B188AC…FACE7
3. ** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_75_75B188AC…FACE6
4. ** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_75_75B188AC…FACE5

  1. Solution exception: ** Fatal ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.

I don’t know how to deal since this Room shouldn’t have ventilation properties.
I already rebuild the geometries, converted the Breps to Meshes by Grasshopper and didn’t work.

I’ve looked in the forum using the “AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface”.
From another topic.
I’ve already check I’m using the compatible Open Studio and LBT versions and don’t using adiabatic surfaces.

I’m sending the file. I tried to clean the code and purge the referenced items.
I will update it if necessary. (251.0 KB)


EDIT Aug 11

The report error is:

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.4.0-998c4b761e, YMD=2021.08.11 10:06,
************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations
** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
** ~~~ ** …Location object=SITE 1
** ~~~ ** …Weather File Location=Londrina PR BRA ISD-TMYx WMO#=837660
** ~~~ ** …due to location differences, Latitude difference=[23.38] degrees, Longitude difference=[51.18] degrees.
** ~~~ ** …Time Zone difference=[3.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[56600.00] percent, [566.00] meters.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval=“SCHEDULE DAY 2”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval=“SCHEDULE DAY 3”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Year=“0.05 HOT WATER LATENT FRACTION”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Year=“0.2 HOT WATER SENSIBLE FRACTION”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant=“ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant=“ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no “Ground Temperatures” were input.
** ~~~ ** Found first in surface=ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE0
** ~~~ ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
** Warning ** CheckUsedConstructions: There are 18 nominally unused constructions in input.
** ~~~ ** For explicit details on each unused construction, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings;
** Warning ** DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 1 surfaces which are receiving surfaces and are non-convex.
** ~~~ ** …Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details
** ~~~ ** …Add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual warnings for each surface.
** Warning ** Calculation of reflected solar onto surface=SALA_ROOM_1_D4D56F13…FACE5 may be inaccurate
** ~~~ ** because it has one or more vertices below ground level.
** Warning ** Calculation of reflected solar onto surface=SALA_ROOM_1_D4D56F13…FACE8 may be inaccurate
** ~~~ ** because it has one or more vertices below ground level.
** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE5
** ~~~ ** Outside boundary condition and object are Ground and .
** ~~~ ** The outside boundary condition must be exposed to either the outside or an adjacent zone.
** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE0
** ~~~ ** Outside boundary condition and object are Ground and .
** ~~~ ** The outside boundary condition must be exposed to either the outside or an adjacent zone.
** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE6
** ~~~ ** Outside boundary condition and object are Ground and .
** ~~~ ** The outside boundary condition must be exposed to either the outside or an adjacent zone.
** Severe ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE7
** ~~~ ** Outside boundary condition and object are Ground and .
** ~~~ ** The outside boundary condition must be exposed to either the outside or an adjacent zone.
** Fatal ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.
…Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
… Reference severe error count=4
… Last severe error=GetAirflowNetworkInput: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface = ATICO_ROOM_5_F453BFED…FACE7
************* Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).
************* Fatal error – final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.

************* ===== Final Error Summary =====
************* The following error categories occurred. Consider correcting or noting.
************* Nominally Unused Constructions
************* …The nominally unused constructions warning is provided to alert you to potential conditions that can cause
************* …extra time during simulation. Each construction is calculated by the algorithm indicated in the HeatBalanceAlgorithm
************* …object. You may remove the constructions indicated (when you use the DisplayExtraWarnings option).

************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 11 Warning; 4 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Terminated–Fatal Error Detected. 12 Warning; 4 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.51sec

Runtime error (PythonException): ** Fatal ** GetAirflowNetworkInput: Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.

line 244, in script

Still trying do understand this problem but I’ve removed 0 values in “Absolute Load Values” and got less errors.

If I don’t have any ventilation requirement, how should deal with It?
I want to have my ventilation controlled only by windows.

A file that has the minimum needed to recreate the issue would have been really helpful.

Still, it seems there is a bug here and I will try to investigate when I can. In the meantime, assigning a dummy ventilation control object to the attic gets it to work (the default ventilation control ensures that the windows never open).

Sorry Chris.

I’ve send an file, but it’s in the middle of my text, before the update.
Later I will send a newer with more detailed experiences.

I’ve realized I shouldn’t assign 0 to some commands - It causes some errors when OpenStudio runs the model.

Hi Chris,

I’m sending the last version of my model.
I have tried your suggestion but the error still continues.

From the first post:
When I try to simulate with 0 in AbsoluteLoadVals the first part of simulation yields some errors but still continues to the EP simulation and results in the same errors.
I left it with the default value instead.

(Note I made Doors Operable and I’ve named some items in Portuguese. Probably they’re not related to this problem) (262.7 KB)

@MR_Yuki ,

The recent error was caused by the fact that you had missing adjacencies in the model. The source of this error was the fact that you added prefixes to the IDs of rooms after you solved adjacency. This resulted in the adjacent objects referencing surfaces that no longer existed in the model. If you are going to use the “HB Add Prefix” component, you should do so before you solve adjacencies. I just added a warning into the component so that we can hopefully prevent this case in the future:

It turns out that there wasn’t any bug in the AFN that I could recreate. So just add the prefix before you solve adjacency and everything should work.

Thank you very much @chris !