I’d like to model Air to Water heat pumps with Honeybee, possibly without using Ironbug since my script is already pretty heavy. A simplified but reasonable method could be also fine.
My understanding is that the Honeybee “HVAC System” component only allows to model Air to Air heat pumps based on ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and, if no “Heating Details” are supplied with the proper component, the default ones are used.
I tried to modify the C:\openstudio-2.5.0\Resources\default\hvac_library to have better control of the default parameters but, apparently, it did not affect the simulation: I opened the osm file in Openstudio to check.
Does anyone know how I could model AWHP? Is it realistically possible?
I know that this might seem odd but since I’m only interested in heating demand, would it be possible to consider a certain COP as a proxy for the fact that I’m using a different kind of system?
Thank you for your help!