Annual daylight error when simulation


I get this error, when I try to run my annual daylight simulation.

I cant seem to figure out, how to find a solution. Can someone help me?

I cannot upload my script, so please reach out to me, if you can help. Then i can send my script.

Thanks a lot,

Kind Regards,

Hi @Fm,

Reading the error message there’s an issue with your Radiance installation.

I’d recommend deleting your Radiance folder in your C: drive location and if that doesn’t fix it also running the Pollination Grasshopper one click installer.

Hope that helps!

Thanks, So I have to delete it compliantly? I will tray that :slight_smile:

Yes delete the whole folder, hopefully it helps

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Hi agian,

Now I get this error:

Do you know the solution to this?

Kind regards,

Next step try running the pollination one click installer :slight_smile:

It’s the most robust way of getting ladybug tools fully working (although no method is perfect!)