Hello all,
I am involved in a DLI (daylight integral) study in for which I have spectral transmission data available. I’m assuming generic properties for other opaque materials as this is still early stage. This is my modelling approach:
- Calculate spectral average (400 - 700 nm) of transmission (without any weighting applied, I cover this later)
- I then run an irradiance study (to output W/m2 instead of lux) and convert to micro mol / m2 / s assuming a CIE D65 illuminant with the following equation:
My question though, is whether I should also weight the spectral power by the (normalised) spectral transmission… I think yes! I emphasise normalised transmission such that the total power remains the same, just that it’s weighted more heavily on the wavelengths with more transmission and vice versa.
However, my spectral transmission changes depending on the angle of incidence, so in any case this would be an approximation (i.e. using normal transmission).
Any advice would be appreciated!