I’ve just installed LT 1.7.0 (looks great btw) and I’m trying to use the dynamic apertures. The sample file dynamic_apertures.gh works fine, but in my own model I have the following problem:
When the Aperture output is connected directly to the AddSubface component, everything works fine, however when it is first connected to the ApertureGroup component, and its output to AddSubface, I get incredibly low illuminance values.
This is before I add other dynamic states or different groups for different facades… I get the problem as soon as I introduce the ApertureGroup component. See the image below - in the current state things work, but when group_aps is connected instead, I get very low illuminance.
Any suggestions?
Without ApertureGroup (ignore red dot - just a sensor):
No, they’re not both connected. I’ve recreated the problem with a very simple geometry and noticed two things:
When the ApertureGroup component is used AND enhanced_ is set to FALSE in the AnnualDaylight Recipe, I get a result but only of the default aperture state with the error message “No dynamic aperture groups were found in the Model. The input dynamic schedules will be ignored.”
When the ApertureGroup component is used AND enhanced_ is set to TRUE in the AnnualDaylight Recipe, I get 0% DA all over my grid, regardless of the chosen state:
This is expected. You have to use the enhanced in order to run a simulation for all the different states. If set to False it will still run, but only for the default state.
The sensor grids have a property called room_identifier. In order to link the aperture group to the grid, the room_identifier of the grid must be the same as the identifier. If you use HB Sensor Grid from Rooms the room_identifier is automatically set. If you create the grid manually, you can set the property yourself. This should be fine as long as you match the grids and rooms correctly. I have attached the example in the file.
The reason I was manually generating the grid was because I was having trouble with the GridRooms component, but I think I’ve worked out now what the problem was (I hadn’t seen the _type_ input and it was confusing the ceiling with the floor). I will carry on with the sensor grid from rooms, rather than doing it manually, but it’s always good to learn a bit more about what LBT is doing underneath the hood.