Dear @chris,
The new Apertures by ratio and the facade parameter components make it clearer to design generic room with repeated window sizes in the new ladybug, thanks for it!
I’ve noticed however that you removed the constructions / RADmaterials from the inputs. What would be the new way to design buildings with solar protection solutions depending on facade orientations (outside on West/South/East, inside screen on North for instance)?
I’ve tried to use the Shade component, but it needs a geometry, while the Aperture by Ratio component gives hb_objects. The constructionSet allows a unique windowConstruction per room…
Good question. We have moved the components that can assign different Energy Constructions or Radiance Modifiers by orientation to be under the HB-Energy and HB-Radiance tabs. So here is how you can assign the window constructions for different orientations:
And the nice thing about this new setup is that you can now assign opaque constructions by orientation and even shade constructions but the parent aperture’s orientation (with the “HB Apply Opaque Construction” and the “HB Apply Shade Construction” components)
FYI, you will see that the “HB Facade Parameters” component in that image is version 1.0.1 and isn’t from the stable release (there’s a bug fix so that it works with construction/modifier names). So, if you don’t want to use the “LB Versioner” component to upgrade to the development version of the plugin, you can just substitute it with a native Grasshopper Merge component like so: