ha - thanks @chris , appreciate that. Yeah, its been quite a challenge to try and learn all that bananas stuff in there. A good learning opportunity, but whoa its a lot…
Either way: For the F-Factors: yes that seems right - I need to update the right ground-contact surfaces with the right ‘handle’ and reference to the right F-Factor construction, as well as change the BC of that surface to “GroundFCfactorMethod”. The method I’m using at the moment is ugly and makes a lot of assumptions about the format of the OSM, but works roughly like this:
Create a simple F-Factor class to handle the txt-block-formatting, params, etc…
Go through the HB-Rooms, find the ground-contact surfaces, and create ‘real’ individual F-Factors for each surface, using the surface’s area and perim (doesn’t do ‘exposed’ perim properly just yet…)
At the end, after the original OSM is made (with no F-Factors), read it back in, find those surfaces, change their attributes, add in the new F-Factors, write it all out to a new OSM, re-run the OSM.
So far so good. The last part makes a lot of assumptions about the format / order / structure of the OSM file in order to find the right text blocks / rows, so might not be generalizable outside HB workflow here. But it’s working well enough for me right now at least.
I’ve attached an example with the code blocks if it is helpful at all.
F-Factor_Example.gh (62.5 KB)