Best practice for simulating wind in an urban model with topography

Hi all,

This is more of a general question for best practices and/or any specific techniques for simulating wind in an urban setting with “hilly” topography.
We are performing pedestrian comfort analysis for a residential project with fairly hilly topography on the site.
My understanding is that such models need to be simulated in wind tunnel setting and wind tunnel requires a windward and leeward buffer space.

  1. If we model a topography pedestal (example sketch below), will that have any unnecessary turbulence in the simulation? See red and orange lines in the image. I am doing the analysis for the blue highlighted space.

  2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, what can I do to avoid that? Should I input 0 as a multiplier for windward in the Butterfly_wind_tunnel_parameters component? Does that skew the results in any undesirable way?

  3. Is there any documentation or resource I can refer for general best practices for various corner cases?

Thank you!

I think you can read this article, this article should help you.
Create a ground in Butterfly case


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Thanks @ZhengrongTao! Looks promising. I will give that a go.