Butterfly CFD indoor simulation

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if Butterfly CFD is really made for indoor simulation?
Actually, I want to use it because I need to simulate the effect of an HVAC system (temperature and the impact of air movement) on the different objects in my room. In addition, I also need to simulate (at the same time) the effect of a fan exhaust airflow for air change in my area.
So I would like to know if Butterfly CFD is a good software for my case?
And do you know an excellent tutorial to learn it?

Thanks in advance for your help

interested I have the same aim and I want to know the answer

Hi @OlivierC37 and @sandra ,

You can use Butterfly for indoor simulation. However setting up a good CFD simulation requires a lot of knowledge. Butterfly uses Openfoam. In principle it you can run every CFD simulation with it but it takes a lot of experience to use it in a meaningfull way. If you are not an expert it is probably better to use an application like simscale. It comes with a lot preset standard configurations for the problems you discribed. Simscale uses also Openfoam in the background.

If you want to dive deep into OpenFoam you can have a look at the youtube playlist from József Nagy

Hi Erikbeeren,
Thank you for your advice. I am not an expert in this field but I want to learn even if I need a lot of time.
Firstly, I have to finish my work later in June, so in a second step, I will take the time to learn CFD with Butterfly. I have another question, I read that to create the geometry I have to use a software like rhino. However, I don’t know if this is true.
Thanks for the links and advice.

Hi @OlivierC37,

You can also create the geometry in another program and import it into rhino. Butterfly is designed for grasshopper the visual programming environment from Rhino. So you will need to have some knowledge of grasshopper.

Here you can find some “how to” information.

Hi Erikbeeren,

Thanks for all