Butterfly heat transfer recipe failure

I’m trying to use heat transfer recipe in butterfly, but it keeps stop at time=1 stage.
I guess it is because T variable.
Could anyone please help me calculating outdoor temperature modelling using butterfly and heat transfer recipe?
Did I do something wrong about the components?

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it works well for steady incompressible recipe.

Same here, wonder why??

If you are using Butterfly_Create Case from Tunnel, it will not run properly.
In that case, run Butterfly_Solution first. Then all the boundary conditions for T and p_rgh will be set to zeroGradient, so set them manually and run ir.bat.

Same here, wonder why?

sir, i still dont know how to solve it :rofl:, can you explain it in detail?

First, the OpenFOAM case folder is output in %USERPROFILE%butterfly. When you run Butterfly_Solution, the configuration files such as boundary conditions and ir.bat for running the solver will be output to that folder and the calculation will be executed.

However, if you use Butterfly_Heat Transfer Recipe for a case created from Butterfly_Create Case from Tunnel, the boundary conditions for T and p_rgh will not be output correctly. So, open the T and p_rgh files in the 0 folder and set the boundary conditions manually.

//T 20 degC
type	fixedValue;
value	uniform 293.15;

//p_rgh wall
type	fixedFluxPressure;
value	uniform 0;
rho		rhok;

//p_rgh outlet
type	fixedValue;
value	uniform 0;

//T outlet, p_rgh inlet
type	zeroGradient;

If you run Butterfly_Solution again, it will only output the wrong boundary conditions again, so you need to run ir.bat manually for the calculation.

sir,i’ve set these boundary conditions as you said, but it still dosent run, i dont know why. i never run the simulation in this way, could you tell me whats going wrong?

You need to set boundary conditions on all boundaries.
I do not know how many boundaries are in your calculation. You need to modify the number and names of the boundaries in the attachment files to fit your case.
p_rgh (1.3 KB)
T (1.3 KB)

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:thanks for your help!!!


Thanks a lots ! But I think it only works if we don’t ask parallel computing.

Is there anything to change in decomposePar file if we want multi processing calculation ?

I don’t think you need to worry about it, just decomposePar after setting p_rgh and T.