Butterfly internal components' units within the grasshopper workflow file

Hello, I am currently working on a research project for airflow simulation using Rhino+Grasshopper. I had a question regarding the internal components of the indoor airflow simulation example file’s workflow within Butterfly plugin.

For the target object to run the indoor simulation on, because it is a small geometry (pipes of 5 cm as diameter), we scaled the overall geometry while keeping the distance measurement unit as meter for Rhino files to match the 5 cm size of the pipe. When we tried running the indoor airflow simulation (after modifying some components within the indoor airflow simulation to better fit for our usage) on the target object, we got strange and incorrect result that does not match with the expected result for the airflow vectors (I think especially the vector’s size/magnitude). I think we are having some difficulty with understanding the units of input and output of each major components within the butterfly indoor airflow simulation example workflow, and we couldn’t really find the details of it online. Could you please provide me some information about the units of inputs and outputs within the indoor simulation example GH file? For example, is there a denominator portion of the unit within the pressure (Pascal per _____, as opposed to just pascal)?

In this post, I’ve also attached the image file of the simulation result that gave us incorrect large airflow vector:

Thank you in advance for your help!