Butterfly: Question about solver, what is the meaning of the 3 P?


It’s probably a stupid question for people use to do CFD. But what is the meaning of the 3 “p” (I know it’s related to pressure) in the solver? Is it related to directions ? and is there some rules that I can apply on the meshing because it’s always the first one that is struggling (is far actually) to converge.

I already change the nCellsInCoarsestLevel to something more close from the square root of the nCell

but still it is not converging

Thx :slight_smile:



Up? I’m a little bit lost for that one…

Hi @dvdbremt it is something about the solver inside the OpenFOAM. I suggest you pay more attention about the workflow of Butterfly.
here is the useful link about this.

3 P is the running informaton about internal sweeps.

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