Hello everyone, when running butterfly, the early Create case and snappyHexMesh both run normally and can display the building grid.
However, after running in the Solution step, only “outdoor_airflow::SteadyIncompressible Recipe” is displayed on the solution output. (Default configuration used by SteadyIncompressible Recipe, no changes were made)
At the same time, when the solution output and _fields(“U”) are connected through the Butterfly_Load_Probes battery, the battery turns red and prompts: 1. Solution exception:Invalid Input: <outdoor_airflow::SteadyIncompressible Recipe> is not a valid Butterfly Solution.
I browsed the relevant posts on the website and found that no one had this problem. I also checked that the BlueCFD version I installed was 2017_1, and the Rhino7 and Butterfly 0.0.05 versions used. I would be very grateful if anyone could answer.