Butterfly Wind Tunnel Grading Area of Interest Error

Hi all,

I am currently carrying out an outdoor airflow analysis and I am using the wind tunnel grading component to generate the grading. I want the x and y grid to be finer near the building of interest but coarse everywhere else (including where the context buildings are). I have been trying to input a bounding box that contains the BOI into the area of interest parameter of the WTGrading component but it’s giving me the following error:

0. Runtime error (NotImplementedException):
Area of interest is not implemented yet!
This component uses geometry bounding box as the area of interest.
You can use offset inputs to adjust the current bounding box.

line 52, in script

I also tried deleting the snappyhexmeshfolder from the directory as the area of interest parameter description suggested but it is still showing the error. Any ideas on how to solve this?

The area of interest parameter of the WTGrading component is not yet implemented in butterfly, so this error cannot be resolved.

If you want to set up regions to refine the mesh, use ref_regions_ in Butterfly_Create Case from Tunnel, as shown in the example file 01_0_outdoor_airflow.gh.

If you want to refine only in the x- and y-directions, you can set the input parameter grad_xyz and cell_count of Butterfly_blockMesh directly.grad_xyz can be set by a combination of Butterfly_Segment Grading, Butterfly_MultiGrading and Butterfly_Grading XYZ.cell_count can be set with point. The coordinate of point indicates the number of cells in each direction.However, it is not possible to set the region in this way.

Thank you for your reply! Yes, I ended up using the combination of butterfly_segment grading and butterfly_grading xyz, it’s not exactly doing what I needed but it’s still a good work-around.