Can I create a *.vsf file with a different set of output data?

Hi @chris,

Reading your customizations for Preview VisualizationSet up to LBT 1.8, I still cannot create a *.vsf file with multiple output data (as you do in visualization_detailed.vsf here: ladybug-vtk/tests/ at 41f67b875fbba09c8b645df247fd6d10c4fdc7dc · ladybug-tools/ladybug-vtk · GitHub ).

Do you have a Grasshopper or Python example? Will be very helpful to know how you elaborate the visualization_detailed.vsf.

Thank you in advance,

Hey @rkleitzke ,

I decided to make a change to the way that the LB Preview VisualizationSet component works. Before, it would only combine visualization sets together if they were of the same type (eg. you have multiple plots coming out of the “LB Hourly Plot” component). Now, you can connect up as many different Visualization Set outputs as you want to the same preview component and they will all get combined into a single VisualizationSet to be previewed.

Let me know if you get the chance to run the LB Versioner and test out the new component. Or if you find any issues with it.