Colibri Hydra Error

Hi guys, @MingboPeng,

I just tried opening the Colibri Advanced Setting

hydra here and I got an error saying

  1. Solution exception:A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)

Any ideas what it could be please?

Secondly I am not able to export json files for Design Explorer when I use Colibri on other files. I have installed TT Toolbox but I am not sure if there is something amiss also?

Hi @gmandevhana,

This might because of the bug from Spectacles, which is a seperate tool from Colibri in TT Toolbox. This is the reason that you are not able to export the 3d json for Design Explorer.
As an alternative, you can directly input geometries and wires to “3DObjects” in Colibri:


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Thanks a lot @MingboPeng! It worked out great.

What’s interesting though @MingboPeng is when I trun the same file on my Windows Laptop it works great, but when I run on a my Windows Bootcamp platform on Mac I get the problem with strong-naming.