Colibri Iterator can't record input value from panels

Hi everyone and @MingboPeng ,

I am using Colibri and Pollination for a parametric study for energy simulation. As you can see in the screenshot below: I connected panels with the values from “check run inputs” to Colibri iterator and also connected the “index” for the “Check study status” to iterate every run generated before.

However, if you can look at the values in the red circles, you can see that Colibri Iterator didn’t generate the correct ‘design iterations’.

I captured this screenshot when flying the Colibri iterator. But when I tried to change the index manually, everything works fine.

Could you please tell me what I can do about this problem or did I miss something?
I really appreciate any help, thank you in advance!

It can also be proved by the data.csv file generated by Colibi. You can see the ‘in:’ data is all the same except for the Runindex.

It seems you didn’t turn off the “Non-blocking option” in the Pollination components setting.

Hi @MingboPeng , Thank you for your reply! But I’m afraid I already turned off the ‘Non-blocking’ option both in “Check Study Status” and “Load Assets” component.
Actually the panel shows that the values from Pollination are good, But it seems it’s the Colibri Iterator component that can’t load the values correctly.

Hi @AdamQi, I am not sure what’s happening in your case.
Can you try to recompute the “Iterator” or disconnect all panels from “Check Run Inputs” and manually inputs those values into panels?

Hi @MingboPeng , sorry I didn’t make it clear.
Here I simplyfied the problem: I connected one panel to the Colibri Iterator, as you can see in the video below. If I use the slider to change values of the panel, everything is fine in the Genome form Colibri Iterator, the value varies with the index.
While when I click “fly” and let the Iterator change the slider, you can see in the Genome there’s only the change in the index, the value is remaining the same.
I’m not sure if that is a bug in Colibri or I did something wrong…

If you have only one value in “Value” panel, then it only takes that value from the panel while you click the “fly” button. All inputs have to be independent, you can’t use one slider to control multiple iterator inputs.

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Thank you. But when I using Pollination with Colibri, it is the case that using one “index” slider to control all the ‘run inputs’. The way I’m using now is to use the “data recorder” to record all the “run inputs” and copy them to the data.csv manually. Do you have better idea to handle this? (Or maybe it’s better if I ask in Pollination forum…

If I understand your problem correctly, why don’t you just use Excel to autofill the column for the index of each iteration?