Collibri + Ladybug. Views are not aggregating properly


Today, I have stumbled upon a problem I cannot seem to find a solution to. I use the Colibri plugin (TTToolbox) on daily basis to generate models and their various views. Lately, I have added a sun analysis part made via Ladybug. Unfortunately, Colibri does not aggregate all correct views. For some models, everything seems to be fine but for most of them, Colibri aggregates only the rhino model view without grasshopper - ladybug generated sun analysis. I suspect that it has something to do with solving order and time but I cannot find a workaround. Does anybody have any suggestions? Is there a way to delay Colibri input so it will wait for sun analysis to be complete before input change?

Hi @krystianwozniak I don’t know what version of Colibri you are using. I know TT CoreStudio has changed Colibri a lot recently.

In the original version, the Aggregator is always executed at the end of solving process possible. If the new version doesn’t do this, you can select the Aggregator and press Ctrl+F (bring the component to the front), so that it will be executed at the end.