"color zones by EP result" not showing floor normalized value for some output variables

According to the legend, the visualization for first 4 output variables on thermal zone is not shown as floor normalized values, i.e. it shows the value in kWh, rather than kWh/m2

However, the visualization for rest energy related output variables by zone is showing floor normalized value:

May I ask what causes this inconsistency? Is this a bug?

Thank you!

viz zone result.gh (52.3 KB)


I just removed the floor normalizing input of the result reader yesterday as I realized that there was a lot of difficulty with doing floor normalization with OpenStudio HVAC results (ie. do you normalize by the floor area of each zone or by the floor area of the whole building. It depends on whether the HVAC component is zone-based or a part of a central system, etc.).

You will see that I added a component that computes both of these floor normalized values (zone-by-zone and building-wide) for you:

Also, take notice of the normalizeByFloorArea input on the “Color Zones By EP Result” component:

By default, this is set to normalize the results by the floor area since you are usually much more interested in energy intensity than total energy. Set this to “False” and you will see the zones colored with absolute energy values.

See attached for an example file.


vizzoneresult_CWM.gh (556 KB)

Thank you, Chris, for the clarification!

The “normalize zone data by floor area” component seems quite handy!

It seems there is still inconsistency on the “color zone by ep result” component when different output variables are connected to it, see image below using your demo file:

when thermal energy is connected, the normalizeByFloorArea_ option is not shown on the “color zone by ep result” component:

when electricLight is connected, the normalizeByFloorArea_ option is shown:

Hope you can kindly clarify. Thanks!


Ah, good catch. I recently changed all of the ideal air load outputs to be called “loads” instead of the generic “energy” to help clarify the difference between thermal loads and energy use (as in electricity or fuel). I forgot to add “load” as a normalizable data type in the Color Zones component and I just did so here:


It should work now,


Thank you very much, Chris, for the update! Now it works fine.