Colored_ option in HB ClimateBased Sky, How to use?

I’m using Ladybug Tools 1.7.0 with Radiance 5.4a 2021-03-28 LBNL (5.4.947ea88a29)

I noticed this new input colored_ in the HB ClimateBased Sky component after I updated from 1.5.0.

And it shows a colored sky model, which is amazing!

However, when I try to run an image-based analysis, I get Error: No such option: -c
Which is exactly what this colored_ option does

Am I abusing this colored sky option?

Runtime error (PythonException): 
The recipe failed to run with the following error(s):

2023-11-22 19:02:10 ERROR: "GenerateSky" failed. See below for more information:
    Error: No such option: -c

Execution Summary
Scheduled 11 tasks of which:
* 1 ran successfully:
    - 1 CreateRadFolder(...)
* 1 failed:
    - 1 GenerateSky(...)
* 9 were left pending, among these:
    * 1 were missing external dependencies:
        - 1 PrepareFolderPointInTimeView(...)
    * 3 had failed dependencies:
        - 1 AdjustSky(...)
        - 1 CreateOctree(...)
        - 1 _PointInTimeViewPrepareFolder_17540fe5Orchestrator(...)
    * 4 had missing dependencies:
        - 1 ComputeViewSplitCount(...)
        - 1 LetPointInTimeViewFly(...)
        - 1 PointInTimeViewRayTracing(...)
        - 1 _Main_17540fe5Orchestrator(...)
    * 1 was not granted run permission by the scheduler:
        - 1 PrepareFolderPointInTimeView(...)

This progress looks :( because there were failed tasks

  line 127, in script

I have the same issue and I see no one has responded to you yet! Have you figured it out ever?