Does anyone where you can see the combined solar heat gain coefficient of the glazing + screen, when using the HB Window Construction Shade component?
I have calculated this separately, and since I can’t get the dynamic window element to work, I’m trying to find a work-a-round solution by playing with the values of the shade until the combined sHGC matches the one that I calculated. But I can’t find what value will be used in Energy Plus.
Hi @tvanbesien
You can post some detailed information about this case. Is it steady or dynamic SHGC value? How to control the screen or shade?
It’s a case with high reflective internal shading, and another case with a double skin facade. We have special software to calculate the combined SHGC value, that takes all the effects into account. Now I want to use these values in my calculations but can’t get them to work. The dynamic window element seems ideal, but for some reason I’m getting an error. If I use the window shade element, it will seriously underestimate the SHGC value when I say it’s internal shading. So I thought of simply using a fictive external shade and play with the values until the overal sHGC matches the one we’ve calculated with the different software. Shading control is usually based on when there’s high irradiance on the windows and HVAC is in cooling mode.