Comfort Maps - TCP_HSP_CSP Matrices (Wish list)

I have a wish i want to ask you (@chris ) regarding the outputs of the different comfort recipes. I’m interested in knowing the TCP, HSP and CSP hourly and not just the one value that summarizes the analysis period. I like this possibility in the Legacy version and found it very useful for understanding the behavior of the spaces and i miss it.
I understand that maybe the reason to give just one value could be the huge size of the results files (is this the reason?) but nonetheless … it is a wish. BTW i analyze only a week (typical/extreme hot/cold) so the size is not an issue in this case.

Thanks anyway,

Hey @AbrahamYezioro ,

This capability should still be supported thanks to the condition output from each of the thermal mapping recipes. Just load up the condition matrix and you can scroll through the hourly cold/neutral/hot results on an hour-by-hour basis:

Thanks @chris,
I’m already using the condition matrix but wasn’t bright enough to make the connection. Now that you mentioned it, makes complete sense.
This is good!!

Hi again @chris,
I’m reactivating this topic since i want to push a little bit more the manipulation of the results.
I’m able now to decompose the matrix results from the condition matrix (or other results matrices). The thing is that i don’t get how to get from them the TCP itself.
See this image:

Both are describing the analysis period i used (Typical summer week for this case).
The question is how i get the percentage comfort from the condition values.
Ultimately i want to get TCP values for each of the 24 hrs in the analysis period (as the average of each hour for the 7 days of the typical week). Like so:

Having a whole analysis period doesn’t allow me to see what is happening through the day.

I feel i’m missing something obvious but can’t get what is it.


OK. I think i get it.
It is:
Gives you the percentage. The results corresponds well with the TCP for the whole period.


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