Compare dynamic/static analysis


I try to compare static and dynamic analysis for a basic opaque box.
So I try for the dynamic analysis to customize the program component to maintain constant temperatur but I don’t find solution. For my static analysis i have 659.49 kw year/m² and with the dynamic i have 10.72 kw year/m² ?
static -dynamic analys’.gh (109.8 KB)
compar.3dm (305.5 KB)

Maybe i find an error, this file is more credible i have 27.47 kw year/m² for my static analysis
static -dynamic analys’ (114.4 KB)

but there is again a difference between 27.47 and 10.72 kwyear/m²

Are you sure you are comparing only the conductive heat flows through the envelope? The EnergyPlus simulation is taking into account internal-gains (people, electric-equipment), ventilation airflows, envelope air leakage, envelope heat-storage, and other effects which make an apples-to-apples comparison very difficult.

You’d want to start by isolating just the ‘Transmission’ losses from the Honeybee Simulation, I would think, and then use that to compare to your static calculations. You would also somehow want to remove any internal gains, airflow or other elements from the Honeybee Model to try and make your two calculations align more closely.


Hi @edpmay,

I thought that ventilation, ligthing, people are by default none (screenshot) with the component hb program type ?

Ah - I see, yes you are correct (I think) that by assigning that blank program it should zero out the loads for all those elements.


Ok thank’s so where does the difference 27.47 / 10.72 kwyear/m² come from ??

I would think you would start by breaking down the result into smaller elements that you can assess one at a time. Perhaps try using something like the “HB Read Room Energy Result” to break down the total into its pieces and start there?


Hello @edpmay,

So i try with this component “hb read room energy result”, i have null value for solar gain for example :

But when i made a box all around the room and considere that is a shade
i don’t have the same final kw year/m² value so solar gain isn’t null :thinking:

i find also that honeybee take care of the ground contrary to my static analysis
so if i put the room two meters high for example i no longer have contact with floor and ground so i have now 166.29 kw year/m² with dynamics and always 27.47 kw year/m² for my static analysis

compar2.3dm (303.3 KB)
static -dynamic (127.8 KB)


I don’t find why there is this difference dynamic analysis : 166.29 kw year/m² and static analysis : 27.47kw year/m²

despite i have null value for solar gain ladybug take into count solar gain ???