Comparing the amount of sunlight hours for different geometries

I would like to analyze the two geometries (situation 0 and situation 1) for sunlight hours on 21th June.

  1. I tried to calculate for situation1 the sunlight hours but the results will still be same as in situation 0 (even the obstruction in situation 1 is much higher, So I would expect lower values). What is going wrong?
  2. I would like to substract the values of the grid in situation 0 from the the values of the grid in situation 1. So then I can compare what the effect is of the obstruction. How can I get the results on the yellow selected position (Breps with layername “SR_grid_compare_results”)?

Thanks for any suggestions. -J.
houses_KT.3dm (869.7 KB) (447.0 KB)

Without checking the files, can be that on 21th of June the sun is too high and then it doesn’t matter that the context is higher on the 2nd case?

@AbrahamYezioro You’re right! Excuse me for this stupid mistake. I updated situation1.

So I would like to analyze the two geometries (situation 0 and situation 1) for sunlight hours on 21th June.

I would like to substract the values of the grid in situation 0 from the the values of the grid in situation 1. So then I can compare what the effect is of the obstruction. How can I get the results on the yellow selected position (Breps with layername “SR_grid_compare_results”)?

Thanks for any suggestions. -J.
houses_KT_updated.3dm (1.0 MB) (445.0 KB)

See attached.
There was a need to set equal conditions for both cases 1 and 2. The first has 7 analysis surfaces (3 of them repeated) and the second 4. But not only the amount of geometries is important but also their order. See red arrows.

The difference calculation and show was very simple to do, just copying the definitions of one of the cases … you’ll get it when you see that in the file.
-A. (467.4 KB)

@AbrahamYezioro Thanks it works! -J.

@AbrahamYezioro , In another project I might doing something wrong. So I use the last example geometry and your update of the gh-file.

To understand step by step what to do:

There are 2 cases to compare: one without extra obstruction (S0) and one with extra obstruction (S1).

To set the equal conditions:

  1. Set Breps for situation 0 both grid and obstructions which belongs to the situation
  2. Set Breps for situation 1 both grid and obstructions which belongs to the situation.
  3. Set Brep for the difference in the grid

With the “substraction component” I substract the Data of each case before connecting it to Ladybug_Recolor Mesh input _AnalysisResult.

Can you explain which breps for the “difference grid” should be set? Is the distance between geometry the cases important because of the shadow?

Thanks for any help. -J