Computational / Sustainable Designer - Job Opening @ Tengbom in Sweden


Become my new colleague! Ad is in Swedish but we are an international company and non Swedish speakers are very welcome to apply.

Forgot to ad, deadline is August 6 already! (I should have done this a month ago!)

@mostapha would it be possible to have this opening advertised through the LB social media accounts?
Knowledge of Ladybug Tools is explicitly mentioned in the ad… :slight_smile:

Sure! I shared it both on Facebook and Twitter. Best of luck.

Hej Ludvig,

Ny på forumet. Såg annonsen på FB. Jag är baserad i Göteborg och vet inte heller om jag har alla kvalifikationer som krävs enligt annonsen, men jag skickar in en ansökan, eftersom det låter som ett fantastiskt roligt jobb. :slight_smile:

