Hello everyone, I have a question on the energy consumption breakdowns that we get in Honeybee using different HVAC templates.
I am simulating a large complex building and want to get an estimate of the energy consumption. My preferred method to do this is to calculate the heating/cooling load from the model, and multiply this with an estimated sCOP. The ventilation energy is found by extrating the ventilation rate from the simulation and multiplying it with a fixed SFP.
To simulate the heating/cooling loads, I use the Ideal Air Loads template. Settings: 60% HR efficiency and Tsupply= 30 / 17oC. I then get the following results using the HB to OSM simulation, with the following End Use Intensity:
What I would like to know is whether the calculated heating and cooling loads also contain the energy needed to heat/cool the supply air to 30/17oC, or if it is only the heating/cooling in the room itself. Becaust if it the indicated heating/cooling load is for both the ventilation air and the space, I should be able to take the heating/cooling output and divide it by the sCOP of my heat pump to get a proper estimate of the energy consumption right?
Then another question: when I switch the HVAC to another template (DOAS with WSHP and GSHP), my EUI changes drastically. However, where can I see an explanation of what the end uses mean?
- Does the heating/cooling output include a particular sCOP, or still none? If it is without, i could multiply the value with the sCOP to get a consumption estimate.
- What does the output ‘doas fans’ mean? Is this thermal, or electrical energy?
Basically, I want to get a good estimate of the total Ecooling/Eheating of the building. I can then manually convert it to consumption from there, by using sCOP and known figures for auxilary energy of pumps, fans, DHW, lighting, etc. What would be the best way to get to that?
Thank you in advance!