Contour mesh adjustments

Hi guys,

Looking for a way to adjust precisly the contour bounds. For instance I want 3 different zones:

1 - from 0 to 1
2 - from 1 to 3
3 - from 3 to all above

Ideas ?! (128.0 KB)

Charles C.

Try setting the LB_legendPar highBound_to 6 and the numSegments_ to 3.

hi Abraham, thanks for answering

I already tried to play with legendpar without succes. And I’m trying to have more control on intervals, for example something like : 0 to 1.5, 1.5 to 3.2, 3.2 to 5.1

Charles C.

I missed the first step, so my comment is not relevant.
There was a discussion a while ago that you can check here. @mostapha’s courtesy.

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Thank you for pointing this out Abraham.
it worked.

Although, it would be great to implement that to the contour mesh component somehow ! :slight_smile:

Charles C.

HI there !
I ended up with another issue.
The contourmesh component doesn’t return the countour mesh output… So I don’t have that smooth contour…

Instead of something like this (169.1 KB)

P.S. most of the time, it also return me an «invalid mesh» in the underlayMesh output… so I can’t even blur the mesh.

ideas ?!?