Could a Honeybee energy model be made of mesh or NURBS surface?


I have currently been trying to make a Honeybee energy model of a geometry created by mesh or NURBS surface. So my Rhino model has not had any plane surfaces. But each surface is a planar surface (not curvy). I was just wondering how I could make the Honeybee energy model.

Thank you


Your question is bit confusing. An image might make us clear.

In new version of HB (1.1.0), you can create faces from geometries like mesh and surface ( I tried once). Probably that could be the solution for your problem.

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Thank you for replying.
I am currently trying the new version. Did you think that all the components of the old versions would need to be changed to the new ones? I was just wondering if “Honeybee SplitBuildingMass2Floors” would need to be changed to a new one.

Thank you

The previous workflows for “Honeybee SplitBuildingMass2Floors” have been fully integrated into Dragonfly for the new LBT plugin. In particular, see the “DF Building From Solid” component.

Hello Sir,

Thank you very much for replying.

I have attached a script which I would need to upgrade.

I have found that the script in the old version would not work with my current model, since my model has been really large and complex.

Hopefully, the script in the new version would work with the model, but I was just wondering if there were any guidelines or new templates to help for upgrading the old definitions or scripts.
I have gathered some similar components that I thought would be necessary.

Thank you

Color_Zones_With_Energy_Model_Results,.gh (640.1 KB)


Legacy version can still be used along with the recent version of Ladybug tools. So, you need not require any guidelines or templates to upgrade your old recipes.

My old script has not been able to handle my new large model. So I thought I would need to create a new script in the latest version. I am currently trying to find how to start in the latest version. Have other people created new scripts without any references or definitions?