Create HB Room from HB face do not form a closed volume

So i’m trying to make a box model by defining the boundary conditions of each surface but when i try to turn those surfaces into room it say’s it’s not a closed volume so how do i make those faces into closed volume?
shoebox (14.3 KB)

Hello @prashhh ,

I would suggest a couple general things to get you started:

  1. Definitely check out some of the learning resources for Honeybee and Ladybug, for instance this tutorial series here:

  2. I would also recommend checking out:
    Step 0 - Modeling Zone Geometry | honeybee-wiki

  3. And also: Introduction | Ladybug Tools Academy

  4. Remember that no one else has access to your computer or Rhino model, so when providing a Grasshopper model to this forum, you should first ‘internalize’ the geometry into the ‘.gh’ file - otherwise no one will be able to run the script or provide much assistance.

To your specific question here though: you need to put the faces together into a ‘Room’ first:


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