Create hole for daylighting analysis

I have been trying to conduct daylighting simulation for a building with a hole in ceiling and wall. (i.e it’s a void on the surface) and have not found an option to do so with honeybee.

If I leave a hole, honeybee will report it needs the model to be closed. One option I can think of is drawing the a surface then assign a super transparent material to that surface

As seen from the image, my analysis situtation is that there’s a glass opening on top of a hole on the ceiling (the cross out part)

DaylightHole.3dm (125.0 KB) (555.5 KB)

@minhchau It is easy to handle this geometry. Just trim the celling to generate the hole

@minggangyin it’s not a Rhino modelling problem, as you can see from the photo I already trimmed off the surface to get the hole. If I leave a hole, honeybee will report it needs the model to be closed. One option I can think of is drawing the a surface then assign a super transparent material to that surface. Im asking to ask if there’s a better option to do it. If we want to set the material to be super transparent - as transparent as air, what are the radiant parameter should it be

@minhchau At the first beginning, you did not descript the model to do daylighting and energy analysis. This gaved me a wrong direction. As you says above, you can use Honeybee DecomposeByType compotent to reconstruct the geometry. Then just select all geometry except the hole and convert it to daylighting modeling.