Create Honeybee Surfaces without Rhino


I am participating in a research project, which is focussed on getting rough outdoor comfort estimations in real time. Due to the plattform we are using we cannot run Grasshopper / Rhino. Since the new Honeybee can perform annual radiation studies independently we decided to adapt it to our needs. Everything runs fine as long as the generic room is used. However, I could not manage to create Honeybee Surfaces externally. When I try to pass the geometries imported by the rhino3dm Python-Plugin I get the error “fromGeometries” method can only be used in [+] libraries.".

I did a bit of research and compared the code of CPython Honeybee and Honeybee in the McNeel Script folder and discovered a module which relies on RhinoContext and RhinoCommons. I would highly appreciate any hints on how to create HoneybeeSurfaces without Rhino.

@martintum Maybe Rhino Compute can help you.