Window7.4 can infact make XML files with multiple layers that can include films, air gaps etc. Two quick resources that I can point out to you in this regard are Section 3.2.1 of Andy Mcneil’s Three Phase Tutorial and Greg Ward’s presentation on BSDFs.
How are the properties of your window film defined? Can they be defined in terms of the standard Radiance primitives like glass, trans etc.?
What coordinate system is your measured data in? The default data format( if I am not mistaken) for the BSDF data in Radiance is the LBNL Full Klems format i.e there are 145 x 145 values for incident and exitant radiation.
A while ago, I had written a python script for reading BSDF XML-files (see attached). The SingleClear.xml that you posted above will read
something like :
Do the values that you have for your film match the 145 x 145 format corresponding to the LBNL Klem’s full basis format?
Here are a couple of other links related to measuring and incorporating BSDF in Radiance:
I am not sure if you can simply convert data from one format to another. The values that are found in Window 7.4 correspond to measurements made through a photogoniometer:
The values that you saw in the image are radiation values from the BSDF file. The file that you uploaded actually is already in compatible format.