Daylight analysis error, The length of the analysis results list equals the number of mesh faces. Check your values list


I am trying to run grid based simulation on multiple meshes but it keeps giving an error of the length of the results.
the file is here

I already tried the flatten the results as Mustapha mentioned in a related question but no luck. any help with this would be appreciated.


Try to join the meshes (MJoin) before the recolor mesh component.


Thank you Mikkel for your reply. I tried it but the script is still not working

It seems like you’re creating 3 climate based sky files due to wrong input for the north. This will run the simulation 3 times and triple the number of results. Try to connect the degree directly as shown. Keep the other suggestion, however, you might need to flatten the meshes before joining them as shown.

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Thank you very much. I tried with all possibilities with gird input but I didn’t notice the problem with the north!

much appreciated!