Daylight Sim Caluclating 0 Lux

Hi, I got this script from hydra. I replaced all the components to fit with my legacy versions of LB and HB, the script was working when i downloaded. But when i changed the EPW url, it keeps calculating 0 lux. Wondering if anyone knows how to fix this??

Hi @rismail88,
can you please post your grasshopper definition? A Rhino view of the model alone does not tell us much.


So everything else was working fine and the simulation still ran with the new weather file, but now this is the answer? And this is the only change you made?

I’m assuming this is a point in time illuminance based on the legend.

Based on everything you have described it’s possible that you went from a climate zone where the sun was up for the time/day you have defined, but in the new climate zone it’s actually below the horizon and it’s night. I.e. it will be dark at 4pm in December in Alaska, but not dark at 4pm in Mexico City in December.