Hi All,
I am unable to download Daysim (http://daysim.ning.com/). Is there any chance someone has the installer and could post it in the forum. It has been like this for over a week and I can’t find any trusted sources to download it from.
Hi All,
I am unable to download Daysim (http://daysim.ning.com/). Is there any chance someone has the installer and could post it in the forum. It has been like this for over a week and I can’t find any trusted sources to download it from.
Thanks a lot @minggangyin for sharing this!
@mostapha That website is still down and has been so for a few weeks I think. I had a similar request from a friend of mine a few weeks ago. It might be useful to upload this on to a ladybug-tools repository on github. I have uploaded one version on github here: https://github.com/sariths/radAux/tree/master/daysim
你好,请问方便用中国通讯方式发我一下安装包吗?谷歌网盘我打不开 谢谢🥺