DES Run Modelica Problem

Hi @chris ,

I’ve managed to simulate the DES and GHE example without any issues, but when I use one of my examples, it doesn’t complete the DF Run Modelica DES calculation. It says: Solution exception: Cannot find part of the path ‘C:\Users\Usuario\simulation_SII\02_03_Bescano\Loads_acs\run\honeybee_scenario\ghe_dir\unnamed_GHE_0\SimulationSummary.json’. I’m not sure if the “system_params” file isn’t being created properly or if it’s another problem.

Thanks in advance

I just wanted to point out that I think this issue has been solved on a different thread:

It’s just that we only just finished getting the Modelica simulation to work with the Docker simulation last week. Let me know if there’s anything that I’m missing, @Batiste .