DF - Windows by surface?

Hi @AbrahamYezioro ,

For point 2., the average_floor_height property probably should have been named average_floor_elevation. It’s the average Z value of the floor Faces of the Room. It’s not a floor_to_floor_height or floor_to_ceiling_height like you have in Dragonfly. In fact, such properties really don’t exist in Honeybee because not all Honeybee Rooms are extruded floor plates. However, you can get the difference in Z values between the min and the max of the bounding box around the Honeybee Room geometry like so:

hb_boundbox_zdim = room.geometry.max.z - room.geometry.min.z

The question of whether you should just have the component output Rooms with windows or just a list of glazing ratios is really up to you and what you see as the most common use case. If you think that you’ll be creating different patters of windows with the same ratio fairly often, then just outputting the ratios seems fine. It might take a little longer to generate the windows for large models as it looks like you’ll have to graft the rooms input to the “HB Apertures by Ratio”. But, if you need the control over window geometry, then it’s worth the tradeoff.

I am not sure what you’re asking in points 3 and 4 or what part of your code that you want me to check. If you have a question about how to get a specific attribute, like the difference in Z values above, then I can be a bit more helpful.