Average_floor_height property is 0.0

I’m writing some script that uses the average_floor_height room property in HB. Also checking the ColorRoomAttr component, for that matter.
For some reason the results is always 0.0.
In the meantime i’m using the explained calculation here, but it will be nice if the property itself will work.


Hey @AbrahamYezioro ,

Do you have a sample of a Room that clearly has the floor at a different elevation from zero but is giving you a value of 0 for average_floor_height? Without this, I’m not sure I can be much help since the property seems to work well in all of the cases where I use it.

As in the other topic, the average_floor_height should be called average_floor_elevation. What i was looking for is to get the height of the room. In the same topic you gave me the solution which is using the hb_boundbox_zdim function. So things are clearer now.


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